Latest issue of the eJIFCC 2016 Vol 27 no. 2


eJIFCC 2016 – Volumen 27 N°2

  • Foreword of the editor. Gábor L. Kovács
  • The Hungarian Society of Laboratory Medicine – serving patients for 70 years. János Kappelmayer
  • Biochemical markers of myocardial damage. Geza S. Bodor
  • Non-invasive assessment of viability in human embryos fertilized in vitro. Gábor L. Kovács, Gergely Montskó, Zita Zrínyi, Nelli Farkas, Ákos Várnagy, József Bódis
  • The clinical value of suPAR levels in autoimmune connective tissue disorders. Barna Vasarhelyi, Gergely Toldi, Attila Balog
  • Deficiencies of the natural anticoagulants – novel clinical laboratory aspects of thrombophilia testing. Zsuzsanna Bereczky, Réka Gindele, Marianna Speker, Judit Kállai
  • Interpretation of blood microbiology results – function of the clinical microbiologist. Katalin Kristóf, Júlia Pongrácz
  • Clinical laboratories – production factories or specialized diagnostic centers. János Kappelmayer, Judit Tóth
  • Adding value in the postanalytical phase. Éva Ajzner
  • Book review — “Patient safety”. Oswald Sonntag

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