Invitation to collaborative translation project

An invitation to participate into the IFCC translation collaborative project meant to facilitate access to eAcademy knowledge resources to a greater number of professionals.


What is IFCC eAcademy?

The IFCC eAcademy is an open educational resource containing distance-learning materials created and/or reviewed by IFCC experts for the continuous professional training development of members of IFCC member organizations.

These educational materials are composed of about 45 videos counting more than 25 hours. Up to now, this huge amount of knowledge in laboratory sciences is available only in English.

To facilitate access to this knowledge to a greater number of professionals, IFCC has
initiated a project of collaborative translation of these videos to Spanish.

What does collaborative translation mean?

It means that a large number of people work simultaneously in the translation of videos from English to Spanish. Each of those people are called “collaborators”. Therefore, a small contribution in translating the video coupled with the contributions of other partners can achieve the enormous task of translating all the educational content. Everything
counts; even the translation of a single word is helpful if we add the efforts of many.

How I can help?

To coordinate collaborative work IFCC uses a platform called Amara. If you speak English and Spanish (whatever is your mother or second language) you can help. All contributions are important. There are no small tasks in a collaborative project. Just go online:

Then go to link “Register” to create an account on the website. You can also log in using any of your Google, Facebook or LinkedIn accounts. Once you are registered, you can ask the administrator to be add to the translation team as a “collaborator”.

Those who only speaks English can help making the video transcript. They can transform in text the words spoken in English at the video. This transcript facilitates the subsequent task of translators.

If you speak English and Spanish and are expert in any of the topics of the videos, you can offer your work as a “reviewer”. A reviewer is somebody who speak both languages fluently and at the same time have knowledge about the video content. He or She may approve translations suggested by translators. If you want to become a reviewer, just contact IFCC or contact the administrator of the platform.

Can anyone participate?

Anyone who speaks English and Spanish can collaborate because finally all the translations will be reviewed. There are no small help, up to a single word counts. We need create a huge community of collaborators. So, we will be happy if you want to promote this initiative among your contacts or within your professional institutions.

Thank you for helps us making IFCC eAcademy knowledge accessible to more professionals.

Contact Silvia Colli Lanzi – IFCC Office for more information

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