Important Announcement: New Dates for IFCC WorldLab Congress in Seoul: 26-30 June 2022


The IFCC Executive Board, in consultation with the Korean Society of Clinical Chemistry and MZ Organising Secretariat, has arrived at the difficult and undesired decision to reschedule the upcoming WORLDLAB Congress to 2022 because of the uncertainties  and  the revolving scenarios with regards to COVID-19 in the coming months, including major international travel restrictions.

The 24th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine will now be held on 26-30 June 2022.

The venue remains the same: the Coex Convention and Exhibition Center in SEOUL, South Korea.

Please mark this new date in your calendar.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to seeing you on 26-30 June 2022. More detailed information will be sent directly to Symposia Speakers, Registered Attendees, Posters Presenters, Sponsors and Exhibitors by the Organising Secretariat very soon.

IFCC is pleased to announce a brand new virtual event next year: the IFCC Virtual Conference to be held in February 2021. This will be a completely online scientific conference and will be focused on “Critical Role of Clinical Laboratories in Covid-19 Pandemic”.

More information about the virtual conference will be circulated very soon.

Stay safe and talk soon!

Prof. Khosrow Adeli

IFCC President