2nd EFLM Strategic Conference The end of laboratory medicine as we know it?

18-19 June 2018, Mannheim.


Handling disruption of Laboratory Medicine in digital health.

Date: 18-19 June 2018, Mannheim, Germany.

The conference will consider the impact that the on-going digitalization of technologies and a digitalized society will have on the medical laboratory in future health care. We contend that such changes enable Digital Health that will be disruptive for Laboratory Medicine as we know it, because they will change our capabilities to compile, integrate and visualize complex diagnostic data as well as providing the opportunity for radical changes to diagnostic health strategies.

With the digital revolution spreading into every realm of modern medicine, we will experience a democratisation of health care, i.e. a comprehensive data usage not just being in the hands of health care professionals, but also in the patients´. Indeed, a central concept of digital health medicine is patient empowerment as demonstrated by key words like “electronic health record”, “patient access”, “health apps”, “wearable health tech” etc. In this rapidly changing health care environment, Laboratory Medicine must redefine its positions, not only acting in its classical role as provider of laboratory results, but also adopting new roles and responsibilities in the clinical dialogue.


Venue Congress: Center Rosengarten Mannheim. Meeting room: Hall 3.7 Arnold Schönberg Rosengartenplatz 2, Mannheim

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