IFCC Satellite Educational Workshop on “Intelligent Clinical Laboratory Management: Impacts on Quality System Improvement”


IFCC Satellite Educational Workshop on “Intelligent Clinical Laboratory Management: Impacts on Quality System Improvement” will be held at the Hilton Durban Hotel, on October 22, 2017.

Attendance is limited to only 60 participants and open to practicing laboratory professionals, laboratory specialists, laboratory physicians, laboratory technicians, medical laboratory technologists, laboratory managers, supervisors and laboratory quality managers.

The objective of this educational workshop is to provide the attendees key strategical elements and best practices to optimize workflow within their laboratory in association with the quality management. It is designed so that the attendees will be prepared to return to their laboratories to strengthen their own practice and mentor their colleagues in this approach.

Scientific Programme

If you are interested, please register on line: CCLM_Workshop

For further information please contact: