14th APFCB Congress

The 14th APFCB Congress will be held in Taipei from 26th till 29th November 2016.


The 14th Asia–Pacific  Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Congress in will be held inTaiwan in 2016. It is the first time such a great event to be hosted by the Chinese Association for Clinical Biochemistry (CACB) in Taiwan.

The theme of the congress is “Advancing laboratory medicine for better patient care”. This promises to be an excellent congress with a nice blend of cutting-edge science, a good corporate exhibition and excellent opportunities for participants to network with each other during the main congress and social events.

Click here to download the Congress Program.

Online Registration: apfcb2016.aoetek.com

More information

No more information is available on infobioquimica.org. For further requests, you can contact the organizers of the event.