Último número de eJIFCC 2016 – Volumen 27 N°3


eJIFCC 2016 – Volumen 27 N°3

  1. Foreword of the editor. Gábor L. Kovács
  2. The world is changing: are we ready?. Alan S. Jaffe
  3. Analytical issues with natriuretic peptides – has this been overly simplified?. Alexander G. Semenov, Alexey G. Katrukha
  4. Can natriuretic peptides be used to guide therapy? Antoni Bayes-Genis, Josep Lupón, Allan S. Jaffe
  5. High sensitivity cardiac troponin assays – How to implement them successfully. Frederick K. Korley. , Allan S. Jaffe
  6. Soluble ST2 and galectin-3 – what we know and don’t know analytically. Thomas Mueller, Benjamin Dieplinger
  7. ST2 and Galectin-3 – Ready for prime time? Wouter C. Meijers, A. Rogier van der Velde, Rudolf A. de Boer
  8. Emerging and disruptive technologies. Larry J Kricka

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