Sharing Data in a Public Health Emergency

A collection of articles and other resources on the Zika virus outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.


The case for sharing data, and the consequences of not doing so, have been brought into stark relief by the Ebola and Zika outbreaks. In response, the New England Journal of Medicine has become a journal signatory to the following statement.

“In the context of a public health emergency of international concern, it is imperative that all parties make available any information that might have value in combatting the crisis. As research funders and journals, we are committed to working in partnership to ensure that the global response to public health emergencies is informed by the best available research evidence and data.

Journal signatories will make all content concerning the Zika virus free access. Any data or preprint deposited for unrestricted dissemination ahead of submission of any paper will not preempt later publication in these journals.

Funder signatories will require researchers undertaking work relevant to public health emergencies to establish mechanisms to share quality-assured interim and final data as rapidly and widely as possible, including with public health and research communities and the World Health Organization. We urge other journals and research funders to make the same commitments.”

Source: New England Journal of Medicine