Interview: Dr. Hilary Lumano (Zambia)

Iternview about HIV Tests and situation of Clinical Chemistry in Zambia.


Mr. Hilary Lumano is a Biomedical Scientist working as a Senior Technical Officer for Laboratory Services in the Zambia Prevention Care and Treatment , Lusaka, Zambia. He is the Laboratory Lead on this project and is responsible for strengthening systems to support quality effective laboratory services for ART/PMTCT. He is a SLMTA Trainer and has facilitated five National Training Events in Zambia.

Mr. Lumano has vast experience in Medical Laboratory Sciences at both bench and management levels. He worked at the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) Luanshya Mine Hospital and Lusaka Trust Hospital. He obtained management experience working with the Lancet Group, a South African based private laboratory franchise in planning and establishing a new laboratory in Zambia. Mr. Lumano joined the Centre for infectious Disease research in Zambia (CIDRZ) Central Lab as the Laboratory Manager in 2006. During his two year tenure, the central laboratory developed procedures and provided input on research protocols in support of the Antiretroviral treatment program (ART). His current position involves collaborating with the Ministry of Health through ZPCT to improve and strengthen laboratory services in Zambia and also work closely with implementing partners to ensure the ART/PMTCT programs are fully supported with the appropriate laboratory testing requirements.

Mr. Lumano holds a diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Sciences, a Post Graduate Diploma in International Business and Management and Masters Degree in Business Administration. He is an active Member of the Biomedical Society of Zambia and made several presentations in scientific meetings organized by the Society. He is currently the President of the Society and has previously served two terms as National Chairperson. He also served as National Treasurer and sat on the Health Professions Council of Zambia and African Federation of Clinical Chemistry (AFCC) boards.

Dr. Hilary Lumano (Zambia), Chair of the African Federation of Clinical Chemistry (AFCC) Symposium, IFCC WL Congress.

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